About Us


Welcome to our website

Al Amin is a fusion of the cuisine and cultures of the world. It is a passionate, compelling bazaar of multicultural ingredients and inspiration where you can witness food demonstrations by ethnic culinary experts or feel confident to bring it all back home and experiment in your own kitchen, using the same ingredients that you would buy in some far-flung land. This makes Al Amin a truly authentic experience and much more than simply a place to shop in this awards winning store

An ethical and community-focused local halal grocery store that has the affairs of firstly Cambridge and then the rest of the world at the
heart of its business.

Whether it is in tastes of the world that al:amin endeavors to cater for or looking after your health by providing you with a range of products consciously obtained from local growers if possible, organic in nature or the refusal by the store to sell products that are detrimental to your health like alcohol or cigarettes.

The diversity of thought even takes the environment and concerning issues it raises into the decision making processes.

People are put before profit

• We sell products from all over the world

• We endeavor to sell products that are locally obtained and thus assist our local community

• We sell products that are environmentally friendly

• We sell products that are obtained from countries or suppliers that will not entertain or tolerate any form of labor or practices that contravene the basic human rights and senses of common decency.

• We stock a large range of Vegetarian, Vegan, Dairy and Gluten-free products including delicious locally sourced Chocolate with up to 90% Cocoa

Serving Communities




The bridge has been selected for research for the Mill Road History Society mainly because it is the symbol of the railway, whose coming to Cambridge in 1845 can be said to have created Mill Road.

From the very start, the crossing, which predated the bridge, brought changes to the lives of the people using what was then a country track. the various bridges whose history is outlined in the report did the same. It is impossible to ignore the bridge on Mill Road; indeed, it is something of a defining landmark.

It both divides the two wards of Romsey and Petersfield (often seen as very different in character) and also unites them. As such, it is a key part of the logo of the website www.mill-road.com created by the late Suzy Oakes, whose life is commemorated by a bench on the summit of the bridge.